When you visit the beautiful rose garden in the front yard of our Center, you will see that it is named the Susan
Goff Memorial Rose Garden.

Susan Goff was a long standing member of our Center for Spiritual Living. She served on the Board of Trustees for
two terms and was a member of the Visioning Team. She took Science of Mind classes with us and before that, she
took classes at the Center for Spiritual Living in Hemet.
In 2008, she caught the Divine Idea of having a memorial rose garden for our members and friends who made their
transition. Her position on the board as the Buildings and Grounds person allowed her to begin making plans for
the Rose Garden. Sadly in 2010 she was diagnosed with lung cancer and made her transition in 2011. However, her
predecessor on the Board, Terri Silva, made sure the rose garden became a reality. She also made sure there was a
meditation bench nearby. In April of 2012, the rose garden was dedicated in a lovely ceremony officiated by Rev.
Carrie Masters.
Before leaving us, Susan expressed a desire to have two rose trees planted at the entrance of the garden to honor
two of her best friends, Barbara Haskell, and Helen Spencer, two long time active and supportive members of our
Center. Those rose trees may no longer be there, but one can still feel the love that came with Susan’s vision.